Birthday Fun...

I wouldn't ordinarily blog about our personal life, but we are constantly realizing that our business (at least the creative side of it) is a part of our lives...and we find ourselves incorporating it into various events and milestones. This past January was Addison's 1st birthday, and April came up with the brilliant idea of taking a group photo during the party, consisting of Addison's best friends....or "the girls" as we like to call them. Here is a glimpse of that adorable moment.

and, of course, Addison, who is not particularily fond of getting pictures taken...

We've been extremely busy lately...juggling the business and 2 kids is not easy...but very fulfilling! We put together a senior book for one of last year's seniors and thought we would post a few spreads. Here are a few 2-page spreads and the front cover design for Ashlee who graduates this May. Congratulations and good luck!

We were recently asked to take some photos of Kenny's Furniture and Flooring here in Blytheville. They were looking for a complete make-over, including a new logo and cutting edge furniture advertisement to match the personality of their new building. We were automatically drawn to a beautiful brick wall re-finished by the owners. Here is the end result (minus the various contact information pieces)

Our cheerleading adventure...

We were contacted by coaches of the gosnell elementary cheerleading squad who had seen our work and wanted to venture away from the "traditional" cheer pictures. We were a little leary of the idea at first...not knowing to much about cheerleaders (much less 21 of them). But, all-in-all, everything went well and everyone loved the results.