Our blog...
2008, for us, was a year of opportunity and change. In early May, we began our adventure into the world of photography. With the encouragement of some of great friends, we were able to transform our passion of photographic art into the smiles and satisfaction of our clients. Our journey through the hills and valleys of all there is to learn, and all the mistakes there are to make, have brought us closer, and more passionate about helping capture moments that people cherish forever.
We've also come to learn that the journey never ends, and we strive with each day to dive further into each new project, learning and developing a style that truly captures a client. We exhaustively research other artists and techniques, and truly live life at "1/100th of a second."
There is nothing better than seeing the smiles of brides, or see the tears of happy parents reviewing there child's photographs; all the money in the world cannot buy that! THAT is why we do this....THAT is what it is all about!
With that being said, welcome to the latest edition of our web site. Rather than continiously update the site, I will post projects on this blog...both old a new, for you to enjoy. We thank all of our clients, and everyone who has supported us in our new adventure of "creative passion."
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