The Marion Family Addition...
"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light." ~Norman B. Rice
We often find ourselves saying that we want to make a difference; wanting our lives to reflect giving and virtue. However, we slip into a state of complacency, often doing what is the easiest, or what may please or look good to others, or what is "good enough." For that reason, we found it an honor to have had a session with our good friends, the Marions. They boldly and triumphantly did what they were called to do. It wasn't easy, or the popular thing to do, but they felt the burden to extend hope beyond what we call home.
In these pictures you will meet MiKehl, one of the most pleasant kids you'll ever encounter. He was adopted from Ethiopia this year, and we were quick to get a session in. He loves having his pictures made, and it was a joy to hear him say "clicka, clicka" in his rugged accent after every snap of the camera.
Every smile is genuine, and they were a pleasure to capture!
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