Custom Designed Photobooks

It isn't often I have enough product together all at once to showcase some of what we offer. So I thought I would share a little about our photobooks prior to client pick-up. These books have been a hit among senior clients and weddings, and has become a great compliment to our small event sessions, such as the 50th Anniversary Celebration you see below.

Each book contains 40 pages of all images from your session, and includes several full-page slides that are custom-designed to define you. Each book is hardbound and is printed with the highest quality paper. Sizes offered are 8x10 "shelf book, 10x13 coffee-table book, and a 12x12 showcase book. All pricing information is located in our 2010 Catalog, which can be found here.

Model Session

I recently attended a workshop and had the chance to shoot various models from across the region. I was a little nervous, with it being my first interaction with professional models; as well as sporting newly acquired gear that I really didn't have too much experience with. However, the atmosphere was great and my nerves were calmed. There was a lot of valuable instruction on technique and lighting...and I came home with a few great shots. For more images, visit the Facebook page.

Florida Escape...

It is these months, where the wind is brick, the sky is gloomy, and everything is dead, when I like to look back on our summer vacation and dream of the warmth. I thought that I would share those moments with you, as well.

As you most-likely know, attempting any activity where you try to control your young kids' movements and postures (i.e., photography session) can be a daunting task. Such was that during our summer vacation to Florida. However, we managed to capture one of our most-favorite images of our kids.

Addie, being the adventure-monger that she is, and Gavin, the protector, sets the stage for the image. It is simple, Addie wants in the ocean, Gavin is scared of sharks.! We think the first shot is a candid, untarnished example of childhood innocence and playfulness... and needless to say, we have a large image-box print on our mantle...

The Walker Kids

So, my New Years resolution should be updating the blog...again, yet another fall session I am just now blogging! And in looking through our files, there are several

This is the Walker family from Missouri. Gramma, who was tons of fun and full of life, wanted a portrait with her grandbabies. We managed to sneak in a few more shots as well..some of which made for a beautiful collage! They were a blast and we look forward to another session in the near future!