Florida Escape...
It is these months, where the wind is brick, the sky is gloomy, and everything is dead, when I like to look back on our summer vacation and dream of the warmth. I thought that I would share those moments with you, as well.
As you most-likely know, attempting any activity where you try to control your young kids' movements and postures (i.e., photography session) can be a daunting task. Such was that during our summer vacation to Florida. However, we managed to capture one of our most-favorite images of our kids.
Addie, being the adventure-monger that she is, and Gavin, the protector, sets the stage for the image. It is simple, Addie wants in the ocean, Gavin is scared of sharks.! We think the first shot is a candid, untarnished example of childhood innocence and playfulness... and needless to say, we have a large image-box print on our mantle...
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